호스트가 NVMe-oF 타겟에 특정 주소 A로 데이터를 적었다고 하자. 추후 호스트가 주소 A의 데이터를 읽었는데, 뭔가 알수 없게 깨져 있어서 data corruption이 의심되는 상황이라 해보자. 이 경우, 어디서 문제가 생겼던 것일까? 호스트는 타겟에게 정말 의도한 데이터를 주었을까? 타겟은 정말 호스트에게 받은 데이터를 변경 없이 제대로 저장 장치에 썼을까? 저장 장치는 정말 bit rot/corruption 없이 데이터를 잘 보관하고 있었을까?

이런 문제가 발생하면, data path의 모든 부분을 의심할 수 밖에 없는데, 이 때 도움을 줄 수 있는 feature가 바로 end-to-end data integrity check 이라 볼 수 있다. 데이터 복사/변경이 발생할 수 있는 모든 레이어에, 데이터 무결성 (integrity)를 체크하도록 하여, 의도치 않은 데이터가 도달하거나 처리된 경우, 즉각적인 에러 핸들링으로 데이터의 재전송을 유도하던지 (transient error일 경우), error propagation을 막는 전략 (fault isolation을 위해) 으로 볼 수 있다. NVMe-oF 애플리케이션 개발 시, 호스트의 data corruption 디버깅에서 억울한 누명을 쓰지 않기 위해서라도 꼭 포함되면 좋을 feature로 볼 수 있을 것이다.

NVMe/NVMe-oF 에서는 어떤 방법으로 end-to-end data integrity check을 구현할 수 있을까? ChatGPT 에게 물어보도록 하자:

How to enforce end-to-end data integrity in my NVMe-oF application?

ChatGPT: Enforcing end-to-end data integrity is critical to ensure the reliability and security of data transmission in an NVMe-oF (Non-Volatile Memory Express over Fabrics) application. Here are some steps you can take to enforce end-to-end data integrity: … Enable and configure the data integrity features of your NVMe SSDs and NVMe-oF target devices. These features include the Protection Information (PI) field, which adds a checksum or cryptographic hash to each block of data transferred between the host and the target device. Make sure that your NVMe SSDs and NVMe-oF target devices support the same data integrity features and use the same settings.

Could you elaborate more on the Protection Information approach?

ChatGPT: The Protection Information feature is a part of the NVMe protocol that allows the host and the NVMe device to ensure the integrity of the data being transferred. The Protection Information feature adds a checksum or a cryptographic hash to each block of data that is transferred between the host and the device. The checksum or hash is calculated over the data block and stored in a Protection Information (PI) field, which is then transmitted along with the data.

What about DIF/DIX? Do they offer additional protection?

ChatGPT: Yes, DIF/DIX offers additional protection beyond what’s offered by Protection Information. DIF (Data Integrity Field) and DIX (Data Integrity Extension) are two other methods of ensuring data integrity in storage systems. They are similar to Protection Information in that they add a checksum or a cryptographic hash to each block of data, but they also include additional fields that can provide more information about the data being transferred.

use nvmeadm::{NvmeCmd, NvmeError, NvmeResult};
use nvmeadm::command::{Command, OpCode};
use nvmeadm::controller::Controller;
use nvmeadm::data::{Data, WriteData};

// Define the DIF/DIX settings
const DIF_ENABLE: bool = true; // Enable DIF/DIX
const DIF_TYPE: u8 = 0x01; // 0x01 = CRC-16
const DIF_INSERT: bool = true; // Insert DIF/DIX on write

// Define the Protection Information settings
const PI_ENABLE: bool = false; // Disable Protection Information
const PI_TYPE: u8 = 2; // 2 = SHA-256
const PI_LOC: u8 = 0; // 0 = Protection Information is transferred with the data

// Define the write handler function
pub fn write_with_data_integrity(controller: &Controller, namespace_id: u32, lba: u64, data: &[u8]) -> NvmeResult<()> {
    let block_size = controller.get_namespace(namespace_id)?.get_block_size() as u32;
    let data_len = data.len() as u32;
    let metadata_len = if DIF_ENABLE {
        let dif_size = 8; // DIF metadata size
        let dix_size = 4; // DIX metadata size
        let dif_stride = 1; // DIF/DIX is inserted for each data block
        (data_len + block_size - 1) / block_size * (dif_size + dif_stride * dix_size)
    } else {
        0 // No DIF/DIX metadata
    let pi_length = if PI_ENABLE {
        match PI_TYPE {
            0 => 8, // CRC32C checksum
            1 | 2 => 32, // SHA-1 or SHA-256 hash
            _ => return Err(NvmeError::InvalidParameter),
    } else {
        0 // No PI metadata

    // Build the write command
    let mut write_cmd = Command::new(OpCode::Write);
    write_cmd.set_cdw10(lba as u32);
    write_cmd.set_cdw11((lba >> 32) as u32);
    write_cmd.set_cdw12(metadata_len << 16 | PI_TYPE as u32 << 8 | PI_LOC as u32);
    write_cmd.set_cdw13(if DIF_ENABLE {
        (DIF_TYPE as u32) << 16 | (DIF_INSERT as u32) << 15
    } else {
        0 // No DIF/DIX
    write_cmd.set_data(Data::Write(WriteData::new(data.to_vec(), metadata_len + pi_length)));

    // Send the write command to the controller
    let mut response = controller.send_command(&write_cmd)?;

    // Check the status of the write command
    if response.status() != 0 {
        return Err(NvmeError::CommandError(NvmeCmd::Write, response.status()));


위와 같은 코드 예제를 받았다. NVMe-oF 로 오는 write command로부터 data, metadata (여기에 DIF/DIX checksum이 포함되어 있다고 ChatGPT 대답함)를 확인 후 다시 write command에 전달하고 이걸 controller.send_command()를 통해 실제 NVMe 디바이스에 보내는 코드이다.

만약 여기서 data에 checksum 계산을 직접 해서 metadata의 DIF/DIX 와 비교해보는 코드를 넣어보고 싶다면?

Can we add the checksum validation code in the above example? Let’s assume that both initiator and target use CRC-16 algorithm.

use nvme_rs::{
    nvme_admin_cmd::{NvmeAdminCommand, NvmeAdminOpcode},
    nvme_core::{NvmeError, NvmeNamespace, NvmeController},
    nvme_queue::{NvmeCompletionQueue, NvmeSubmissionQueue},
    nvme_ioctl::{DifCheckFlags, DifRefTagType, DifLocType, DifType},

fn handle_write_command(
    controller: &mut NvmeController,
    ns: &NvmeNamespace,
    data: &[u8],
    metadata: &[u8],
    lba: u64,
) -> NvmeResult<()> {
    // Calculate the expected DIF checksums
    let dif_type = DifType::Crc16;
    let mut expected_dif_checksums = Vec::new();
    let block_size = ns.get_sector_size() as usize;
    for block_data in data.chunks_exact(block_size) {
        let crc = nvme_rs::nvme_util::crc16(block_data, block_size);

    // Validate the DIF checksums in the metadata
    let metadata_len = metadata.len();
    let expected_ref_tag = [0u8; 8];
    let dif_check_flags = DifCheckFlags::empty();
    let dif_ref_tag_type = DifRefTagType::App;
    let dif_loc = DifLocType::Last;
    let dif_type = DifType::Crc16;
    let mut actual_dif_checksums = vec![0; metadata_len / 2];
    let mut cmd = NvmeAdminCommand::new(
            metadata_len as u32,
    cmd.add_data_out(&mut actual_dif_checksums)?;
    controller.admin_cmd(&mut cmd)?;

    if actual_dif_checksums != expected_dif_checksums {
        return Err(NvmeError::CommandExecutionError {
            opcode: NvmeAdminOpcode::NVME_ADMIN_OPC_GET_LOG_PAGE,
            status: cmd.status(),

    // Calculate the expected DIX checksums
    let mut expected_dix_checksums = Vec::new();
    if let Some(dix_metadata) = metadata.get(block_size..) {
        let dix_type = DifType::Crc32C;
        for block_data in data.chunks_exact(block_size) {
            let crc = nvme_rs::nvme_util::crc32c(block_data, block_size);

        // Validate the DIX checksums in the metadata
        let expected_ref_tag = [0u8; 8];
        let dif_check_flags = DifCheckFlags::empty();
        let dif_ref_tag_type = DifRefTagType::App;
        let dif_loc = DifLocType::First;
        let mut actual_dix_checksums = vec![0; dix_metadata.len() / 4];
        let mut cmd = NvmeAdminCommand::new( (잘림)

출력이 자꾸 잘려, 전체 코드를 다 볼 수가 없었고 매번 re-generate 할 때마다 코드가 많이 바뀌어서, 그 중 나름 간결하게 표현된 버전을 copy&paste로 올렸다. 추후 필요시, 이 코드를 약간 변형해서 사용하면 될 것 같다.